Ontología de la Guerra Civil española

Supervised by:
  1. Juan Antonio Martínez Comeche Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 13 April 2016

  1. Rosario Arquero Avilés Chair
  2. Blanca Gil Urdiciain Secretary
  3. José Antonio Moreiro González Committee member
  4. Francisco Javier García Marco Committee member
  5. Celia Chaín Navarro Committee member
  1. Biblioteconomía y Documentación

Type: Thesis


In the context of the exponential growing of the human knowledge, which is highly related with the development of the Society of information, Internet has become an important system to create and share knowledge. In the Internet is possible to access to a lot of information, which is permanently actualized, by developing specialized technical tools and with the help of the user as a source of information. Nevertheless, usually this information is disorganized and not reliable at all, so the user may not satisfice his needs of information. To overcome these difficulties, at this time we are witnessing the creation of the semantic web, a web characterized by enabling machines to understand human knowledge, enabling the recovery of more accurate, personalized information, which is adapted to the requirements of the users. This view of the web is possible by adding semantic metadata to the web, and by the application of specialized knowledge representation systems based on domain knowledge and context representation. These tools include ontologies, which can be defined as a formal and explicit specification of a shared knowledge. Thanks to ontologies, it is possible to represent the existing domain knowledge in a formal and comprehensible manner, consistent with the principles of the semantic web. Taking into account these aspects, it is possible the development of specialized ontologies, created by the principles and the technological tools of the semantic web, in order to provide contextualized knowledge to Internet users.