Factores clave implicados en la embriogénesis de microsporas inducida por estrés en cebada y colzametilación del DNA, proteínas de arabinogalactanos y auxina

  1. Abdalla Eltantawy, Ahmed
Supervised by:
  1. María del Carmen Risueño Almeida Director
  2. Pilar Sánchez Testillano Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 04 February 2016

  1. María Jesús Puertas Gallego Chair
  2. Aranzazu Gómez Garay Secretary
  3. Óscar Vicente Meana Committee member
  4. M. Teresa Solis González Committee member
  5. María Herrero Romero Committee member

Type: Thesis


Microspore embryogenesis represents a unique system of single cell reprogramming in plants in which a highly specialized cell, the microspore, by specific stress treatment, switches its fate towards an embryogenesis pathway forming haploid embryos and producing haploid and doubled haploid plants. This process is a potent biotechnological tool for obtaining doubled haploids in many crops to be used in plant breeding programs. The application of this process has important limitations because the mechanisms of microspore embryogenesis induction and progression, which involve proliferation and differentiation events, are not yet completely elucidated. The monocot Hordeum vulgare (barley) and the dicot Brassica napus (rapeseed) are model systems for the process in which direct embryogenesis is induced, via different temperature stress treatments, in isolated microspores cultured in liquid media...