Impacto de las nuevas recomendaciones de la comisión internacional en protección radiológica en las prácticas intervencionistas

Dirigida por:
  1. Eliseo Vañó Carruana Director

Universidad de defensa: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 04 de mayo de 2017

  1. E. Guibelalde del Castillo Presidente
  2. José Miguel Fernandez Soto Secretario
  3. Miguel Ángel López Bote Vocal
  4. F. Gutiérrez-Larraya Vocal
  5. Fernando Alfonso Manterola Vocal
  1. Radiología, Rehabilitación y Fisioterapia

Tipo: Tesis


In 2012, in report 118, the International Commission on Radiologicalprotection included the "ICRP Statement on tissue reactions / Early and lateeffects of radiation in normal tissues and organs - Threshold doses for tissuereactions in tissues in a radiation protection context". In that document, athreshold dose of 0.5 Gy was established for risks of brain and heart circulatorydiseases. The threshold dose for eye lens injure was also reduced. In the case ofeye lens, ICRP recommended a reduction of the current dose limit for workersto 20 mSv/year averaged over five years, with less than 50 mSv/year. Thisrecommendation has been currently included in the European legislation indirective 2013/59/EURATOM. In fluoroscopy guided interventionalprocedures, high radiation doses may be needed. Radiation doses delivered topatients' skin remain a topic of continued investigation in radiation safety and ithas been shown that in the most complex procedures or in patients whosetreatments require several procedures, radiation doses may cause skin injurieswith varying degrees of severity. In case of professionals, the eye lens havebeen also investigated, and a higher likelihood of developing eye lens opacitieshas been observed in interventional professionals. Following the ICRPstatement on tissue reactions it was considered necessary to estimate not onlythe skin dose received by patients, but also the doses received by brain and eyelenses. In the case of workers, it is necessary to investigate if the new dose limitfor the lens of the eyes requires new protective measures to ensure the safestworking conditions for staff...