La colaboración público-privada en la gestión de los servicios de intermediación laboralel servicio público de empleo estatal y las agencias de colocación (2010-2016)

  1. García Solana, María José
Supervised by:
  1. Jaime Ferri Durá Director
  2. Blanca Olias de Cima Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 14 March 2017

  1. Gema Pastor Albaladejo Chair
  2. José María de Luxán Meléndez Secretary
  3. Francisco Javier Vanaclocha Bellver Committee member
  4. J. Ignacio Criado Committee member
  5. José Manuel Canales Aliende Committee member
  1. Ciencia Política y de la Administración

Type: Thesis


In the last decades there have been significant changes in the organization ofpublic administrations around the World, and Spain is a good example. The need toface new complex social and economic challenges in an effective and cost‐efficient wayhas prompted a boom of experiences in public‐private partnership for the provision ofpublic services.Between 2010 and 2013 different political tools and regulations boosted inSpain the creation of public‐private collaboration processes in the labour market,developed in times of economic crisis which enhanced them. In this sense, theintroduction in 2010 of Private Employment Agencies in the Spanish labourintermediation model represents an example of a qualitative leap in the modernizationstrategy of employment policy. The novelty is not only the incorporation of a newprivate operator in the labour market, but the proposal of a new style or model ofinteraction between the public and the private sectors, in order to provide a resultsorientedservice intermediation to the citizens...