Cooperación al desarrollo España-Colombiaun enfoque de Economía Política

Supervised by:
  1. Francisco Villota Villota Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 12 January 2016

  1. Javier Casares Ripol Chair
  2. Víctor J. Martín Cerdeño Secretary
  3. María Julia Bordonado Bermejo Committee member
  4. Evangelina Aranda García Committee member
  5. Rafael Pampillón Olmedo Committee member

Type: Thesis


Thesis Cooperation Spain Colombia: a focus on Political Economy performs an analysis of the agency problems existing on development cooperation between donors and recipient countries, applied to the case of Colombia. Theories like Public Choice, Governance, Neo-Institutional Economics, provide a framework to contrast government failures, information asymmetries, moral hazard, adverse selection, rent-seeking. The research provides the following evidence: There is need to boost governance in development cooperation because decisions about bilateral cooperation are taken between countries governments with no real evidence that governance processes integrate into the design of development strategies representatives participation from the State, civil society and market-private sector. For this reason in the forums of Aid effectiveness Accra (2008) and Busan (2011), the concept of democratic ownership was promoted which includes civil society as a factor in cooperation. However, this process is not yet integrated into a clear institutional arrangement. The principles of aid effectiveness of the Paris Declaration commits the donating country to align with the recipient country. However all this discretionary power granted to recipient countries can be more difficult in countries with low institutional strength for issues as corruption, fragile states or armed conflict. The Colombian case is an example of agency problems because of conflict between ideas and interests generated by the alignment of donor countries with recipients. After the adhesion of Colombia to the Declaration of Paris in 2007, the Colombian government's commitment was to arrange cooperation bilaterally, counting with the alignment of the recipient country. Therefore the government did not see the need for consensus on their cooperation strategies with the participation of donors and civil society as it did in the first cooperation strategy Colombia 2003 - 2006, demonstrating how the adherence to the Declaration of Paris unstimulated governance processes. Donor countries such as Spain justify in their cooperation plans that the aid is carried out in Colombia, because of the existence of an armed conflict and from the perspective of protection to the victims. However they have had to be aligned in periods of government of President Alvaro Uribe from 2002 to 2010, with its denial of internal conflict and no declaration of victims...