Paremiología toponímica de Galicia en los refraneros gallegos y castellanos

unter der Leitung von:
  1. Germán Conde Tarrío Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 11 von Januar von 2016

  1. María Pilar Blanco García Präsidentin
  2. María Teresa Barbadillo de la Fuente Sekretärin
  3. Manuel Sevilla Muñoz Vocal
  4. Rosario González Pérez Vocal
  5. Marina García Yelo Vocal

Art: Dissertation


1. Introduction Throughout this research the relation between two areas of knowledge will be established: toponymy and the study of proverbs. Both of them coincide as a way of oral transmission and as the conservation of history and customs of communities with characteristics that make them different form each other. The daily life, the history and the anecdotes of the people and places are reflected in their folk productions. These productions are part of an invisible cultural and artistic patrimony that needs to be kept and maintained. 2. Objectives Our research deals with the study of Galician toponymic sayings which appear in both Galician and Spanish collection of proverbs. The setting of geographical boundaries has been done because it is considered to be necessary the union of different forms belonging to the idiosyncrasy of concrete places in a single corpus. This will let us cope with the study of proverbs and toponymy from different points of view, as well as complete it in those places in which no sayings have been found out. The following objectives are our starting point: To collect, study and show the meaning of the toponymic units which appear all throughout the Galician collection and compilations of proverbs. The geographical setting has an intrinsic value in the way we will carry out our corpus. It will be tried that each saying is pinpointed and explained in terms of contents, since some of them are out of our limited current knowledge about elements beyond the language. The number of proverbs collected makes their own explanation difficult. To analyse the characteristics of these forms in relation to other of the paremiologic family. Firstly, we will study each of the paremiologic forms following the features presented by many authors using the methodology by Julia Sevilla and CondeTarrío. This methodology is based on the comparison and selection of the typical features of every form around the term paremia. Taking these data into account, we will see what forms are in our corpus and the characteristics they have. To study the presence of these units in the main Spanish collections of proverbs in order to or not to establish a relation, paying attention to the semantic and structural plans according to a common traditional base, in spite of the cultural boundaries and differences...