Rough diffraction gratingsapplications to linear optical encoders

Dirigida per:
  1. Luis Miguel Sánchez-Brea Director
  2. Eusebio Bernabeu Martínez Director

Universitat de defensa: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 09 de de juliol de 2009

  1. Juan Andrés de Agapito Serrano President
  2. José Alonso Fernández Secretari
  3. Tomás Morlanes Calvo Vocal
  4. Santiago Vallmitjana Rico Vocal
  5. Juan Campos Coloma Vocal
  1. Óptica

Tipus: Tesi


ABSTRACT In this Thesis work we present theoretical, numerical and experimental analyses of the behavior of non-perfect diffraction gratings. We have performed an analysis of diffraction gratings engraved on a steel tape. This kind of gratings can be found in industrial devices such as optical encoders for long range measurements (> 3 m). The main objectives of this Thesis work are to find a theoretical formalism which describes the behavior of this kind of gratings in near and far field approac hes. We also propose a new kind of diffraction grating based on periodical variations in the micro-topographic properties of the surface. Besides, we analyze other kind of imperfections in gratings like rough edges, which can be produced during the f abrication process. Another important result is the cancellation of Talbot effect using masks formed by two gratings. This Thesis work has been motivated by a long collaboration with private industry related with fabrication of high accuracy metrolog y systems.