La evolución y medida del capital de marcauna investigación aplicada a las marcas del distribuidor en españa

  1. rodriguez canovas, belen
Dirixida por:
  1. Carmen Abril Barrie Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Fecha de defensa: 08 de xullo de 2015

  1. Nora Lado Cousté Presidente/a
  2. María Olga Bocigas Solar Secretario/a
  3. Maria Victoria Labajo González Vogal
  4. Joaquín Sánchez Herrera Vogal
  5. Jesús García de Madariaga Miranda Vogal

Tipo: Tese

Teseo: 392137 DIALNET


This research focuses on two important marketing phenomena: brand equity and private label. It aims to explore if brand equity theory can be extended directly to private label domain considering the particularities of private labels as brands. We propose a conceptual model for private label equity structure and dimensions. An empirical research with 450 private label consumers in Madrid province evidences that traditional brand equity conceptualization should be adapted to understand how private label equity is built. Our findings reveal that private label equity is a multidimensional construct comprised of: private label perceived value, private label familiarity, private label loyalty and private label associations. Moreover, our research evidences that these dimensions are interrelated. On the other side, this study explores the relationships between selected marketing mix elements and their effect on private label equity. In particular, the research focuses on distribution intensity, price, advertising, in-store communication, monetary and non-monetary promotions. The study proposes a conceptual framework in which marketing mix elements are related to brand equity construct. The empirical test using structural equation model supports different effects. The results show that private label intensity, price and in-store communication play an important role in building private label equity. Moreover, our findings reveal that price, used as an important indicator of brand equity, in the domain of private label, has an opposite effect to the theorized in literature. Keywords: private label, store brands, brand equity, price, in-store communication