La percepción del impacto del coaching y la programación neurolingüística en el desarrollo de la carrera profesional

  1. Muñoz Díaz, Pablo
Supervised by:
  1. Amparo Acereda Extremiana Director
  2. Javier Sierra Sánchez Director

Defence university: Universitat Abat Oliba CEU

Fecha de defensa: 24 July 2014

  1. Marcin Kazmierczak Chair
  2. Laura Amado Luz Secretary
  3. Anna López Puig Committee member
  4. Francisco Cabezuelo-Lorenzo Committee member
  5. Mónica Viñarás Abad Committee member

Type: Thesis


We want with this doctoral thesis observe and analyze as perceived by college students in the area of communication, the influence of the receipt of Coaching in the career development of employees. There are theoretical approaches from the field of economics, psychology and sociology that explain what the phenomenon of labor mobility but according to the opinions of individuals believe in working or promotion. This is where coaching can be instrumental in helping to eliminate limiting beliefs of individuals to enable them to progress according to their innate and acquired abilities.