La hibridación de la televisión tradicionalla televisión conectada

  1. Martín Pérez, Mª Ángeles
  2. Vivar Zurita, Hipólito
  3. Vinader Segura, Raquel
  4. García García, Alberto Luis
  5. Abuín Vences, Natalia
  6. Zurian Hernández, Francisco A.
Actas II Congreso Internacional Sociedad Digital: espacios para la interactividad y la inmersión
  1. García García, Francisco (dir. congr.)
  2. Gértrudix Barrio, Manuel (coord.)
  3. Gértrudix Barrio, Felipe (coord.)

Argitaletxea: Icono 14 Asociación Científica

ISBN: 978-84-939077-5-4

Argitalpen urtea: 2011

Alea: 2

Orrialdeak: 692-705

Biltzarra: Congreso Internacional Sociedad Digital (2. 2011. Madrid)

Mota: Biltzar ekarpena


Changes in technology and consumer market that is experiencing the television demanding the convergence of television with new media and supports, mainly Internet, smartphones and tablets, which, in tum, tripping over themselves to breaking the traditional concept of broadcasting. The viewing of television content in the media "appears today as an opportunity for the broadcasters to reach their audiences in a new and different way to the traditional" and has become a competitive and strategic necessity for all. Therefore, the major broadcasters are beginning to rethink their business models and adapting them to new market needs (still with some misgivings), on the one hand, to expand its business toward distribution windows in which they are not the only actors, on the other hand, to open their own distribution ways to other agents, with the possible cannibalization of their business. With these possibilities, it also comes a new relationship with the viewer in which "the audience is taking the initiative in the contents consumption, adapting it to their time and preferences. Terrestrial operators seek new screens where to place its contents under the formula of VoD "(Television in Spain, 2009) because consumption tends to be multi-platform. However, the viewer does not abandon the conventional linear television, in the first quarter of 2011 saw an increase in consumption time (Kantar Media, 2011). The purpose of this study is to analyze the developments carried out by Spanish broadcasters in hybrid TV, observe the rethinking of conventional business models and how they adapt to the demands of audience: tv on Internet, connected TV, tagged television, etc. This research belongs to a study series of FONTA Researching Group (Training in New Audiovisual Technologies) of the Complutense University of Madrid.