La historia de la World Wide Web en Españadesde sus orígenes hasta su conversión en un medio social

  1. Natalia Abuín Vences
  2. Raquel Vinader Segura
La Comunicación Social, en estado crítico. Entre el mercado y la comunicación para la libertad: actas del II Congreso Internacional Latina de Comunicación Social
  1. José Manuel Pestano Rodríguez (coord.)
  2. Samuel Toledano Buendía (coord.)
  3. Alberto Isaac Ardèvol Abreu (coord.)
  4. Ciro Enrique Hernández Rodríguez (coord.)

Editorial: Sociedad Latina de Comunicación Social

ISBN: 978-84-938428-0-2

Any de publicació: 2010

Pàgines: 29

Congrés: Congreso Internacional Latina de Comunicación Social (2. 2010. La Laguna)

Tipus: Aportació congrés


In this paper a thorough review of the history of the World Wide Web (WWW) in Spain and their diachronic evolution from its origins in the nineties to the present is made. Nowadays we can speak about two evolutions of the WWW: the Web 2.0 or Social Web and Web 3.0 or Semantic Web. The WWW evolutionary career began with the design of graphical interfaces to its web sites and continued with the implementation of applications that allow users to make purchases through the network and manage its resources with the administration, to become the manager of content with which it interacts, producing information to share with millions of users of the Web. These applications are the first major evolution of the WWW, and are part of the so-called Social Web or Web 2.0. But the relentless advance of this medium has not stopped at this point, the technology is developing applications that allow Web pages to provide meaning, ie to translate their content into a language that can be understood by the computer, allowing us to discuss the third major evolution of the media: the Semantic Web or Web 3.0. This study is part of a series of ongoing researches of FONTA Research Group at the Complutense University of Madrid.