Historia, evolución y teoría de la crónica taurina en prensa escrita

  1. Pérez Arroyo, Olga
Anuario de la Universidad Internacional SEK

ISSN: 0717-2508

Year of publication: 2000

Issue: 6

Pages: 225-236

Type: Article

More publications in: Anuario de la Universidad Internacional SEK


The article shows the history of journalism about bullfighting and ways of expression from the 16th C. until Gregorio Corrochano, the first writer of modern reports on this subject. Bullfighting chronicles from the 16th C. are the most direct historical reports on this issue. Current reports on bullfighting are considered a journalistic genre and they have a relation with the modern way of writing reports. This kind of chronicles has three important characteristics: it gives you information, it asks your opinion and it is entertaining. This makes the texts that deal with bullfighting topics a unique type of report in this world of journalism.