La televisión franquista ante el espejoEjemplos sobre la ficcionalización audiovisual de la televisión en la España de los años sesenta y setenta

  1. Coronado Ruiz, Carlota
  2. Rueda Laffond, José Carlos
Razón y palabra

ISSN: 1605-4806

Year of publication: 2010

Issue: 72

Type: Article

More publications in: Razón y palabra


This study examines two examples of narrative evocation about the television. The work focuses on representation of medium and its social impact in Spain, between the Sixties and the Seventies. This question is addressed trough a content qualitative analysis. It explores two audiovisual fictions: the movie Historias de la television (1964) and the tv-movie El televisor (1974). Both examples highlight the importance of television as an active factor in popular culture of that historical period. The paper considerers as a main conclusion that, despite their differences, these narrative fictions provide a common interpretative framework: the social power of television, from a reflexivity look about the consumption patterns