Los umbrales del siglo XXrelativismo pictórico y racionalización geométrica en la representación de la figura humana y su entorno

  1. Maure Rubio, Miguel Ángel
Revista de Bellas Artes: Revista de Artes Plásticas, Estética, Diseño e Imágen

ISSN: 1695-761X

Année de publication: 2014

Número: 12

Pages: 121-150

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Revista de Bellas Artes: Revista de Artes Plásticas, Estética, Diseño e Imágen


With the invention of the daguerreotype image, the representation of reality went on to become a technical problem and artists now looked for a new interpretation of the participants in the pictorial scene apart from the, now old time, laws of perspective. Both the human figure and the area in which it was to be placed, underwent transformations and simplifications governed by geometry, in which lines and colour played an important role. From then on, a new way of interpreting the world on canvas brought us closer to society and its advances and concerns during this stage of history. Everything changes and everything will change and this applies to artists as well. Social evolution and the technological revolution, as a result of new scientific discoveries, offered constant encouragement for their creative work, never ceasing to continuously try to direct and guide the steps that needed to be taken in their artistic production. The new collaboration between the figure and the background, between man and a pictorial space, progressed under the guidance of the best artists and during this process, geometry once again provided painters with the guidelines to express their rational and discerning thoughts.

Références bibliographiques

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