Una forma calculada de herir la Memoria Histórica. Repercusión en Twitter de las declaraciones de los diputados del Partido Popular Pablo Casado y Rafael Hernando

  1. Pedro Paniagua
Hispania Nova: Revista de historia contemporánea

ISSN: 1138-7319

Year of publication: 2018

Issue: 16

Pages: 394-416

Type: Article

DOI: 10.20318/HN.2018.4042 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Hispania Nova: Revista de historia contemporánea

Sustainable development goals


The statements made in recent years by deputies of the Popular Party Pablo Casado and Rafael Hernando trying to belittle, if not insult, the victims of Francoism, have raised blisters on the social network Twitter. In the present article, we will try to study these statements, especially those expressed in the networks through the media and the corresponding reactions that have aroused among the users of this social network. The treatment will be eminently journalistic and aims to cover two large fields. The first one assumes that the statements of the deputies could be considered opinion, so we try to confirm this hypothesis by checking the statements of this type of journalism and its relationship with a boundary field such as manipulation. In the second field of analysis we would try to delimit the words of the two politicians according to the rules of journalistic information and interpretation in order to verify if the information contained in them is true and if the possible interpretation is It does so using objective criteria of performance, or on the contrary, it does not respect any of the logical steps that should guide any journalistic interpretive process that tries to conform to some minimum ethical standards. Naturally, opinion is free, and from this point of view, and descending to concrete cases, it is perfectly legitimate to state that the victims do not deserve any subsidy. It is another thing to shed masked claims under that supposed freedom of opinion. For example, the descendants of the victims have only moved when there have been

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