La experiencia de cliente de las marcas de moda de lujo en las flagship y los corners
- Izquierdo, Vanessa 1
- Ayestarán Crespo, Raquel
- García Guardia, María Luisa
- 1 Centro de Estudios Garrigues
ISSN: 1989-3469
Year of publication: 2018
Issue Title: Adolescencias y Riesgos: Escenarios para la Socialización en las Sociedades Globales
Issue: 23
Pages: 416-434
Type: Article
More publications in: Prisma Social: revista de investigación social
The impact of luxury brands on fashion in general and on society requires a detailed study in the constant search to understand how experience influences the act of buying. With new marketing strategies and the rise of flagship stores the customer of luxury fashion brands requires personal attention levels much higher than those provided in other areas. This research seeks to deepen the aspects that influence the customer experience in luxury fashion brands stores to establish tools that help to formulate new strategies and tactics that help enrich the experience and contribute to the best perception of the brand and of the product
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