El índice de distracción y la sinfisiodesis juvenil pubiana en la prevención de la displasia de cadera canina en perros de raza pastor alemán y pastor belga malinois en las fuerzas armadas

  1. Sánchez Alonso, Cristina
Supervised by:
  1. Amelia García Luque Director
  2. Fidel San Román Ascaso Director
  3. María Pilar Llorens Pena Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 29 June 2018

  1. Fernando Rodríguez Franco Chair
  2. Isabel García Real Secretary
  3. Pablo Arias Sanz Committee member
  4. Javier Castro Urda Committee member
  5. José Luis Rodríguez-Marín Roy Committee member
  1. Medicina y Cirugía Animal

Type: Thesis


Canine hip dysplasia is the main pathology that prevents a dog to be admitted as a member of the Armed Forces or the Police Corps. When the Ministry of Defense started breeding dogs in the Military Center of Horse Breeding in Ávila, and not being able to diagnose canine hip dysplasia before the dog has reached one year of age, the Policlinic of the Military Center of Veterinary implemented a screening program to obtain radiographically the distraction index before the puppy was 20 weeks of age and the juvenile pubic symphisiodesis when the distraction index was higher than a previously set threshold and before the puppy was 24 weeks.The study was divided in two phase: the first one with the main objective of testing if the program showed significant differences between a historic cohort and a prospective cohort which was to be operated if the distraction index was equal o higher than 0,45. An ambispective descriptive essay was made in which the historic cohort consisted of 55 animals and the prospective cohort of 91, 36 surgeries were made and 73 dogs reached the end of the study. The results of this phase showed a significant improvement in hips conformation, doubling the production of dogs with suitable hips (OR=2,20; IC 95%: 1,03-4,67)...