Vidrios mesoporosos bioactivos para el tratamiento de patologías óseas

  1. Gomez Cerezo, Maria Natividad
Supervised by:
  1. Daniel Arcos Navarrete Director

Defence university: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 17 September 2018

  1. María Vallet-Regí Chair
  2. Antonio Jesús Salinas Sánchez Secretary
  3. Elise Verron Committee member
  4. M.ª Concepción Serrano López Terradas Committee member
  5. Elena Aznar Gimeno Committee member
  1. Química en Ciencias Farmacéuticas

Type: Thesis


The objective of this thesis has been to obtain mesoporous bioactive glasses (MBG) tobe used in the treatment of pathologies associated with bone tissue. The motivation for this work arises by the demand for regenerative therapies for the treatment of bone defects derived from diseases such as osteoporosis, infection or cancer. Most bone implants generally have a limited lifespan and are implanted for replacement purposes. Currently, due to the ageing of the population, the need has arisen to design materials that favour bone regeneration as opposed to bone replacement. In this sense, the third generation bioactive bioceramics including MBGs have properties that favor the regeneration of defects in the bone, promoting their restoration and repair. This objective has been addressed through three strategies: 1. Optimization of chemical properties and porous structure to determine the most suitable chemical compositions and textural properties for the proposed purposes. 2. Obtaining regenerative MBGs for secondary treatment or prevention of bone tumors and bone infections. 3. Obtaining macroporous scaffolding of MBG for bone regeneration in osteoporotic patients...