Evaluacion de competencias del enfermero especialista en enfermeria obstetrico-ginecologica utilizando la escala ecoenf

  1. Fernandez Martinez, Elia
  1. Mercedes Gómez del Pulgar García-Madrid Zuzendaria
  2. Juan Vicente Benéit Montesinos Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 2018(e)ko uztaila-(a)k 04

  1. Antonio Luis Villarino Marin Presidentea
  2. Jacinto Gómez Higuera Idazkaria
  3. David Peña Otero Kidea
  4. María del Carmen Prado Laguna Kidea
  5. Sonsoles Hernández Iglesias Kidea
  1. Enfermería

Mota: Tesia


EVALUATION OF THE COMPETENCES OF OBSTETRICS-GYNECOLOGY SPECIALIZED NURSES USING THE ECOEnf EVALUATION SCALE Abstract: Introduction: In Spain, midwifes have to acquire during their studies the competences described in the SAS order SAS/1349/2009, however an evaluation process for theses competences is not defined. Objective: Adapt the ECOEnf Scale to the evaluation of midwifery student¿s competences. Methods: A qualitative investigation based on nominal groups and survey of expert¿s opinion was developed from the EscalaECOEnf, ECOEnfPed and ECOEnfMQ evaluation rubrics. This investigation was complemented with a psychometric validity and reliability study. Results: The ECOEnfObsGin evaluation Scale was obtained. This scale is composed of 8 evaluation rubrics: 4 transversal and 4 specific, which psychometric results were acceptable. Conclusions: The ECOEnfObsGin scale is a reliable instrument for the evaluation of midwifery student¿s competences, as well as it encourages continuous learning and feedback by tutors. For these reasons, a prototype trial of the scale is proposed to complete the psychometric study. Key words: Competency-Based Education, Educational Measurement, Nurse Midwives.