El mundo íbero a través de su cultura materialla cerámica gris de la Oretania septentrional y sus zonas de contacto

  1. Rodríguez González, David
Supervised by:
  1. Rosario García Huerta Director

Defence university: Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Fecha de defensa: 12 April 2012

  1. Juan Blánquez Pérez Chair
  2. Francisco Javier Morales Hervás Secretary
  3. María Luisa Cerdeño Serrano Committee member
  4. Feliciana Sala Sellés Committee member
  5. Lucía Soria Combadiera Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 324193 DIALNET


The main objective of this dissertation is the Ph. Doctoral thesis is the characterization of a type of pottery production, gray Iberian ceramics, which has traditionally enjoyed dim and discontinuous attention in studies of the material culture of the proto-history Iberian culture. The research is structured around a main axis: the proper characterization of the object of study. For this, the first comprehensive analysis of chrono-spatial coordinates, and then their technology, typology, functionality, symbology and technological developments such typological ceramic experience from the seventh century BC It was to change, not leaving a theoretical approach to the meaning of the studies focused on a part of the material culture of a given society, claim to know better, not only the object, but the producer who have behind them. The disclosures come from more than 60 sites excavated in different areas Iberians, highlighting information from Oretana area, but also including the sites of contact zones, ie expanding research into areas bastetanas, contestanas or Olcades. From that list of sites, over 7000 emanate ceramic records included in the database, items coming mostly from the museum collections and therefore unpublished. Management of recurrent sets of such elements, arises a typology that catalogs 31 different ceramic types and dozens of subtypes and variants some unknown to date in reducing production to around-that can bind into 4 major functional groups: dinner table, domestic reserves and supply of tableware, large storage and transportation and miscellaneous uses, always taking into account the functional variations arise in the context of appearance. The techno-typological analysis of such data corpus is made both contexts (domestic, economic functional areas, burial areas and areas of worship), as cultural stages, analyzing the evolution of the object from the time of formation of culture to its terminal stage. This, in conjunction with the measurement of specific gravity and importance in relation to other Iberian pottery types, especially in reference to ceramic pastes oxidants and painted decoration. After studying all this information, determine the mechanisms of emergence of this kind pottery and its relevance to the study of populations who made them, in that they are synthesized amalgam of influences received, together with the observation of his own pottery tradition, caused the appearance of this element. Thus, properly characterized, reducing these productions acquire a new significance in the face of research: it is a good reflection of condensation on a material element of the multiple causes for the emergence of what was a new socio- cultural, the Iberians and subsequent historical development and may, after consideration, provide relevant information on the producer behind the tool.