Conocimiento y bases de datosuna propuesta de integración inteligente

  1. Alonso Martínez, Margarita
Dirixida por:
  1. José María Sarabia Alzaga Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Cantabria

Ano de defensa: 1993

  1. Luis Tomás Díez de Castro Presidente
  2. Juan Manuel Mascareñas Pérez-Iñigo Secretario
  3. Enrique Manuel Ambrosio Orizaola Vogal
  4. David de la Fuente García Vogal
  5. María Concepción López Fernández Vogal

Tipo: Tese

Teseo: 38954 DIALNET lock_openUCrea editor


This Thesis studies and characterizes the application of Expert Systems in the management of companies, particularly in problems related to decision making. The connection between Expert Systems and Databases offer new possibilities in the study of Business Management. Expert Systems provide techniques for; the control of large volumes of information and heuristic knowledge, reasoning and learning capabilities and interactive user communication. The objective of knowledge and data base integration is to establish a framework for effective and global control of decision making processes. The interaction of Expert Systems and Databases could be improved by sharing one logical design for information in order to obtain a unique Conceptual Scheme of the Database and Knowledge Base of Expert Systems.