Insignts into the self-organization and photovoltaic applications of subphthalocyanines

  1. Medina Martín, Anaïs
Supervised by:
  1. Tomás Torres Cebada Director
  2. Christian Claessens Director

Defence university: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Fecha de defensa: 29 April 2011

  1. Jaume Veciana Miró Chair
  2. Rodolfo Miranda Soriano Secretary
  3. Tom Aernouts Committee member
  4. Vladimir Dyakonov Committee member
  5. Nazario Martín León Committee member
  6. Carmen Carreño García Committee member
  7. Atsuhiro Osuka Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 114385 DIALNET


Insights into the Self-Organization and Photovoltaic Applications of Subphthalocyanines