Modelos sociológicos de la vejez y su repercusión en los medios

  1. Belando Montoro, María Remedios
Comunicación e persoas maiores: Actas do Foro Internacional
  1. Álvarez Pousa, Lois (coord.)
  2. Pim, Joám Evans (coord.)
  3. Kristensen, Bárbara (coord.)

Editorial: Colexio Profesional de Xornalistas de Galicia

ISBN: 978-84-690-7017-8

Ano de publicación: 2007

Páxinas: 77-94

Tipo: Capítulo de libro


This text makes a resume of all the sociological theories that have tried to explain aging. These theories have gone beyond its purposes, being adopted by the media as models of behaviour of old people. Stereotypes and prejudices are also analysed, as well as the problems generated by all of it. The text conclusions are focused on the educational area, because having educational programs addressed to people of all ages is a good mean to get a better knowledge of the old age reality and to value the experience, contributions, potential and wisdom of seniors. There is also a reference to the needing of a positive image of aging in the media.