Una forma posible de Interdisciplinariedadla documentación Iusfilosófica

  1. Villaseñor Rodríguez, Isabel
  2. Gómez García, Juan Antonio
A ciência da informação criadora de conhecimento: actas do IV Encontro Ibérico EDIBCIC 2009
  1. Borges, Maria Manuel (coord.)
  2. Sanz Casado, Elías (coord.)

Publisher: Universidade de Coimbra

ISBN: 978-989-26-0014-7

Year of publication: 2009

Volume: 1

Pages: 143-155

Type: Book chapter


This paper presents considerations on the relations that can exist between two disciplines, such as the Documentation and the Philosophy of Law in the field of the university studies. After analyzing the epistemological status of both sets out the guidelines necessary to justify their interrelationships from a case study. Its aim is thus to demonstrate, in this context, the need for reciprocity between these two disciplines and, therefore, affirm the possibility of interdisciplinary studies with reference to both. The methodology used in this paper is based on the analysis of philosophical texts and conceptual, as well as lessons learned from a study of the nature of the legal-philosophical Documentation and their users in Academia. Among the findings highlighted that concerns the need for an interdisciplinary, not only on how to tackle the issue from a theoretical and conceptual level but also in relation to their studies, i.e. specialists in Documentation and in other disciplines, inviting the need for cooperation between them to find out what characterizes each of the academic disciplines from the viewpoint of the Documentation. Also, from the perspective of Philosophy of law, is aware of the necessary training of farmers in their documentation and a better development of instrumentally based studies.