El laboratorio de Biología con TIC

  1. Torres Payá, Inés
Investigación y didáctica para las aulas del siglo XXI: experiencias docentes y estrategias de innovación educativa para la enseñanza de la biología y la geología: Actas del I Congreso de docentes de Ciencias de la Naturaleza
  1. González Montero de Espinosa, Marisa (coord.)
  2. Baratas Díaz, Luis Alfredo (coord.)

Verlag: Santillana

ISBN: 978-84-680-0377-1

Datum der Publikation: 2011

Seiten: 67-71

Kongress: Congreso de docentes de Ciencias de la Naturaleza (1. 2011. null)

Art: Konferenz-Beitrag


The biology laboratory is an essential resource for science learning. The objective of laboratory work is to develop a teaching/learning process active and participative in which, apart from construction and acquisition of knowledge, the use of scientific method is fomented. From the explanation of a problem, students will have to design, structure and develop a laboratory experience that resolves it and in which the knowledge acquired by the extracted and compiled information and by the utilization of suitable instruments, materials and mediums is integrated The TIC are incorporated in this methodology with the purpose of facilitating to the students the organization and development of the experiment, search of information and creation of digital objects.