Estudio de sistemas magnéticos a base de imanes para uniones de fragmentos y prótesis a la obra original escultórica

  1. Medina Azahara Rodríguez
  2. Xavier Mas-Barberà
  3. Sandra Ruiz-Gómez
  4. Lucas Pérez
La Ciencia y el Arte: ciencias experimentales y conservación del patrimonio histórico

Publisher: Ministerio de Cultura

Year of publication: 2015

Volume Title: La Ciencia y el Arte V. Ciencias experimentales y conservación del patrimonio

Volume: 5

Pages: 121-135

Type: Book chapter


This work presents the viability of the use of magnetic systems as joining media for the fragments of stony sculptures. Different test pieces have been made from different stony materials. NdFeB magnets have been used for joining the different pieces. A model based on experimental tests has been developed. This model determine the optimum configuration of the magnets, depending on the restoration to be made. The system is reversible under the application of moderate temperature (60º C), temperature that does not affect the original pieces. The simulations carried out during this project show that the magnetic field out of the sculpture is minimum, which avoids contamination produced by suspended magnetic particles. The model have been applied to real applications.