Reconstrucción del patrón alimenticio de dos poblaciones prehistóricas de la meseta norte

  1. Trancho Gayo, Gonzalo Javier
  2. Robledo Sanz, Beatriz
  3. López-Bueis, Inmaculada
  4. Fabián García, José Francisco

ISSN: 1131-6993

Year of publication: 1996

Issue: 7

Pages: 73-90

Type: Article

More publications in: Complutum


The aim of this paper is to analise the diet reconstruction in two prehistoric populations, Aldeagordillo (Late Calcolithic) and El Tomillar (Early Bronze Age) (Avila), considering trace elemental composition of bone. Nine elements are considered: Ca, P, Mg, Zn, Fe, V, Cu, Sr and Ba. The ratio Ca/P shows some diagenetic changes in the human samples. The results obtained indicate that the economy was based on vegeta- ble sources, with a middle or low ingest of animal proteins.

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