Los manuales de escritura de los siglos de oroproblemas bibliográficos

  1. Ana Martínez Pereira 1
  1. 1 Universidade Do Porto

    Universidade Do Porto

    Oporto, Portugal

    ROR https://ror.org/043pwc612

Litterae: cuadernos sobre cultura escrita

ISSN: 1578-5130

Datum der Publikation: 2003

Nummer: 3-4

Seiten: 133-159

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Litterae: cuadernos sobre cultura escrita


This article poses some of the bibliographic problems that affected sixteenth and seventeenth century writing manuals. The structural and formal characteristics of these works, as well as their diverse content and readers, have often contributed to their uneven transmission; copies are scarce and reach us in incomplete or altered form. The complex editorial life of these manuals starts in the printshop itself. Since these books contain distinct textual and graphic components, different variants of the same edition often exist; the number and condition of the prints vary, as does the treatment of subjects incorporated later into the work. In the following pages we illustrate some of these inconsistencies, in the form of a few, representative examples that are, of course, incomplete.