Breves consideraciones semánticas de género en torno al léxico "amoroso", a la retórica "erótica" y a las paremias misóginas

  1. Martínez Garrido, Elisa
Cuadernos de filología italiana

ISSN: 1133-9527

Datum der Publikation: 2005

Nummer: 12

Seiten: 171-186

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Cuadernos de filología italiana


This article is based on the cognitive semantic study of the «courtesy» lexicon, on the «erotic» rethoric and the misogynist proverbs which defend the violence against women. With the study of erotic and sexual metaphores we have tried to show the deep androcentric and patriarchal substratum of our «amorous» rethoric, which always hides a sadistic and violent vision of the sexuality.