Los pies en distintas culturas y cosmovisioneslos pies en el pensamiento chino

  1. Gentil García, Isabel
  2. Becerro de Bengoa Vallejo, Ricardo
  3. Losa Iglesias, Marta Elena
El Peu

ISSN: 0212-7709

Year of publication: 2004

Volume: 24

Issue: 4

Pages: 218-222

Type: Article

More publications in: El Peu


In all the societies the body and her parts are perceived of different form, but always in relation to the philosophical religious thought of understanding the life and to the human being, it will influence also the way of understanding the health and the disease. In the chinese tradition, in addition, of Buda's footprints are sacred and are venerated. It is frequent to use reproduction of buda's feet as amulets.