Estudio preoperativo en la reconstrucción con colgajo libre microvascularizado de peroné¿Puede el eco-doppler obviar la arteriografía?
- A. I. Rodríguez Montalbán
- R. Gutiérrez Díaz
- Gregorio Sánchez Aniceto
- J. L. Crespo Escudero
- J.J. Montalvo Moreno
- Ricardo Gesto Castromil
ISSN: 1130-0558
Year of publication: 2003
Volume: 25
Issue: 1
Pages: 29-33
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista española de cirugía oral y maxilofacial: Publicación Oficial de la Sociedad Española de Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial
Vascularized fibula free flaps for oromandible reconstruction has demonstrated to be an excellent technique. To evaluate the viability of the extremity after flap harvest, and flap itself, it becomes useful a correct preoperative assessment. The colour Echo-doppler (CED) it is a non invasive method that has demonstrated to be useful in lower extremity arterial and vein mapping. We have carried out 21 CED in 21 patients in those it was chosen a microvacularized fibula free flap as the reconstructive technique. A standard protocol was designed to evaluate the lower extremity vascularization and to identify the septocutaneous perforants with CED. In all, CED was effective. In view of the CED results there was not neccessary any arteriography. There were not anatomical anomalies, and only in one case an extremity was underrated by significant arteriosclerosis. The results belonged together to 100% with the peroperative discoveries and there were no vascular complication of the flap. In view of the results we advise the EDC as the preoperative study in patients that need a vascularized fibula free flap as a reconstruvtive method. Its a non invasive technique, without morbility and with low cost that allows us a lower extremity vascular mapping without arteriography as a routine study.