Antropología de la cienciauna investigación autobservacional del proceso de formación de los científicos.

  1. Vázquez Ferreira, Miguel Ángel
Revista de antropología experimental

ISSN: 1578-4282

Year of publication: 2007

Issue: 7

Pages: 39-62

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista de antropología experimental


Empirical studies of science, these which try to study laboratories in an antropological way, have a basic carence: their authors know nothing about scientific tribu language. Because of that, the traditional methodology of participating observation is not enough to go on these works. Trying to overcome that deficit, our investigation in a physics faculty tried to aprehend the process of learning the culture of a scientific laboratory. The methodology applied, autobservation, is articulated over a inmediatly living expeience; investigator, observing and participating in the same analitic movement, has to abandon traditional epistemologial basis, learning the science that scientists learn; and he has to be capable to produce a sociological interpretation of this learning. A reflexive learning in which formal and informal, cognitive and practic features are vinculated in a indisociable way.

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