Clima y vegetación durante el Holoceno reciente en El Calvero de la Higuera (Pinilla del Valle, Madrid). Nuevos datos polínicos

  1. Ruiz Zapata, María Blanca
  2. Gómez-González, Clemencia
  3. Gil García, María José
  4. Pérez González, Alfredo
  5. Baquedano Pérez, Enrique
  6. Arsuaga Ferreras, Juan Luis
  7. López Sáez, José Antonio
  8. Bauz, Sergio
  9. Márquez Mora, Belén
Revista española de micropaleontología

ISSN: 0556-655X

Year of publication: 2007

Volume: 39

Issue: 3

Pages: 215-226

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista española de micropaleontología


[Climate and vegetation changes during late Holocene in El Calvero de la Higuera (Pinilla del Valle, Madrid). New data pollen] The results of palynological analyses of the late Holocene sequence of the Navalmaillo Rockshelter (PV-NA1) into El Calvero de la Higuera (Pinilla del Valle, Madrid) archaeopalaeontological site are presented. The relations with pollen data of Cueva de la Buena Pinta (PV�CBP) from the same archaeopalaeontological site, have allowed to distinguish several phases of both vegetation dynamics and climate changes. These are inferred by the development and regression of regional Pinus forest and of the spread of open landscape which was determined by Asteraceae, Chenopodiaceae and Poaceae. Although the climate should be the main factor of the vegetation dinamics, the changes detected in the interval 1.920 ± 40 BP could be the result of both climate and human interactions.