Rendimiento deportivo en jugadoras de élite de hockey hierbadiferencias en ansiedad y estrategias cognitivas
ISSN: 1579-0207
Año de publicación: 2008
Volumen: 7
Número: 1
Páginas: 23-41
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: EduPsykhé: Revista de psicología y educación
The purpose of this paper, was to analyze individual differences in several psychological variables within a group of elite sportswomen, divided into two groups, according to their sporting performance. Participants were female players from the national field hockey team, who carried out their activity in high performance centres. The performance/efficiency of these players was assessed/evaluated by their coach and trainer. The following psychological variables were assessed: personality, anxiety trait-state, attention-concentration and cognitive estrategies to cope with difficult situations in sports competition. Results showed that “high performance group” had a significant lower level of “anxiety state” and “cognitive disorientation” than “low performance group”, as well as higher “sporting maturity”. Regarding personality, significant differences were found between “high” and “low” performance players in “cognitive control”, “sociability” and “social intelligence”, showing the most successful players higher scores in all three variables.
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