Un instrumento de evaluación de riesgos psicosociales en el entorno laboral"el Cuestionario Decore"

  1. Luceño Moreno, Lourdes
  2. Martín García, Jesús
  3. Díaz Ramiro, Eva María
  4. Rubio Valdehita, Susana
EduPsykhé: Revista de psicología y educación

ISSN: 1579-0207

Ano de publicación: 2008

Título do exemplar: Estrés laboral

Volume: 7

Número: 2

Páxinas: 131-153

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: EduPsykhé: Revista de psicología y educación


The following article presents the characteristics of the DECORE questionnaire (Luceño and Martin, 2008) which evaluates the perception that workers have in relation to some psychosocial risks that the research has linked with stress and illness , more specifically, the Job Demands, the Job Decision, the Reward and the Organizational Support (Luceño, 2005; Luceño, Martín, Miguel Tobal y Jaén, 2005). The main quality of the DECORE questionnaire is its utility, since it evaluates in a quick manner (44 items) these four psychosocial risks, providing a score for each of them and three more combined scores (risk index). The development of these three combined risk scores, linked to combined with the profile presentation, determine the distinctive characteristics of the questionnaire, providing a simple and very intuitive interpretation of the scores. In addition, the DECORE questionnaire presents sufficient methodological guarantees, relating to its validity and reliability, a fact which have been demonstrated in numerous researches (Luceño, 2005; Luceño, Martín, Miguel Tobal y Jaén, 2005; Luceño, Martín, Jaén y Díaz, 2005, 2006; Martín, Luceño, Rubio y Jaén, 2007; y Rubio, Martín, Luceño y Jaén, 2007). Therefore, the DECORE questionnaire is an instrument of psychosocial risk assessment addressed to the Spanish working population, whose principal characteristics are: to be brief, easy to understand for the worker, easy to correct and interpret, besides being an instrument resulting from a research process and, for these reason, its validity and reliability being demonstrated.

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