Proyecto Descartesdesarrollo de la carrera en estudiantes de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

  1. Sánchez Avila, Carmen
  2. Alonso García, Miguel Aurelio
  3. Calles Doñate, Ana María
  4. Masegosa Fanego, Rosa María
La Cuestión Universitaria

ISSN: 1988-236X

Ano de publicación: 2009

Título do exemplar: "Europa pasa por Bolonia"

Número: 5

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: La Cuestión Universitaria


This article describes the results of the project entitled Course: �Development for students at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid�. This project intends to develop in our students the professional competences most requested for the companies. In order to evaluate the results participating students were divided into three groups. Firstly, all of them were evaluated using the method feedback 360º which gives rise to an evaluation report for each student. Six months later, a second evaluation was carried out. In that case, each group of students was analyzed in a different way. In the Experimental Group (GE1) each student, with the help of an expert and taking into account the first evaluation report obtained from feedback 360º, prepared a personal plan for improving different behaviours analyzed in the report. In the other two groups, named, Experimental Group (GE2) and Control Group (GC), each student only received the report obtained from feedback 360º by means of an e-mail message. The GE2 students had the possibility of attending several training courses focussed on improving some of the aspects considered in the report; however the students of the GC group did not receive any other specific attention. The results of this article show that there are significant differences between the analysis performed before and after the development of the project for the students included in GE1, detecting improvement in 27 of the 38 behaviour indicators evaluated. However, the students of GE2 only improve in the four behaviour aspects connected with the courses received. Finally, no significant improvements in the students included in CG group have been detected.