Intervención psicológica en un caso de leucemia mieloide aguda con problemas de adaptación a la hospitalización y trastorno psicótico inducido por substancias

  1. Peralta, Virginia B.
  2. Gulini, Martina
  3. Cruzado Rodríguez, Juan Antonio
  4. Barbero Gutiérrez, Javier
Psicooncología: investigación y clínica biopsicosocial en oncología

ISSN: 1696-7240

Year of publication: 2010

Volume: 7

Issue: 1

Pages: 193-206

Type: Article

More publications in: Psicooncología: investigación y clínica biopsicosocial en oncología


Hemato-oncological diseases involve some physical, psychological, emotional and social impacts producing individual and global suffering. Preventive psychological interventions minimize stress and provide adaptation and well-being by empowering patient resources and increasing control perception. In this article we expose an acute myeloid leukaemia inpatient, whose experience of psychophysiological distress stemmed from a lack of social support, from adaptation problems and from scarce understanding of medical information as well as from consecutive risks of worsening in health. After overcoming gradually different threatening situations, some positive changes in selfconcept, in the interpersonal relationships and in his own philosophy of life occurred. This led the patient to a better adaptation to the illness. In conclusion, the main goal of the therapeutic intervention does not only deal with decreasing the negative impact of the disease or tackling the psychopathological difficulties but also helping the patient to use his best strategies to improve well-being.

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