La trasgresión del compromiso conversacional en un extracto de la Crise de C.Serreau

  1. Rouanne, Laurence
Tonos digital: revista de estudios filológicos

ISSN: 1577-6921

Ano de publicación: 2010

Número: 19

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Tonos digital: revista de estudios filológicos


By analysing an extract of the film "La Crise" by Colin Serreau we aim to give an example of what might be a transgression of the "conversational commitment". In fact, a conversation is, in principle, an activity in which two people have to coperate during the exchange. We shall look at how the conversation is seen through, even though this commitment is not met, as the communicatory intentions of the interlocutors are nevertheless recognised. Furthermore, we look at how the social reality can be seen in conversations and how the analysisof the conversation reflects the way in which the meaning between the participants is developed. Lastly we aim to analyse the oral discourse through a linguistic study of the communicatory scene and its protagonists.

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