Análisis de las consecuencias médico-legales de las reclamaciones judiciales de pacientesestudio comparativo de los casos de traumatología, ginecología y obstetricia, anestesia y reanimación y odontoestomatología

  1. Bernardo Perea Pérez
  2. Andrés Santiago Sáez
  3. Elena Labajo González
  4. M.L. Albarrán Juan
  5. José Antonio Sánchez Sánchez

ISSN: 1888-6116

Year of publication: 2009

Volume: 20

Issue: 4

Pages: 264-268

Type: Article

More publications in: Trauma


Objetives: To establish a homogeneous database of patient legal claims; analyze these claims and the damage derived from them; and to perform a descriptive and comparative analysis of some of the most representative medical specialties. Methods: A total of 1899 Spanish civil-penal and administrative contention court sentences were studied. Results: The most claimed medical specialties were orthopedic surgery and traumatology, and gynecology and obstetrics. In both cases the condemning sentences represented about 50%. Regarding the compensation sums, the largest corresponded to anesthesia and resuscitation, followed by gynecology and obstetrics, and dentistry in last position. Conclusion: The data obtained are relevant for defining the professional civil liability insurance coverage of each of the medical specialties