I Conferencia Nacional de Consenso sobre el Injerto Óseo del Seno Maxilar

  1. P.M. Villareal Renedo
  2. Angel Fernández Bustillo
  3. Julio Jesús Acero Sanz
  4. J.A. Arruti
  5. J. Baladrón
  6. Arturo Bilbao Alonso
  7. Joan Birbe
  8. A. Borja Morant
  9. Miguel Burgueño García
  10. Ramón Carlos Saiz Bustillo
  11. Jorge Caubet Biayna
  12. Carlos Concejo Cútoli
  13. Víctor Manuel de Paz Hermoso
  14. José Carlos Díaz Mauriño
  15. F. Esnal
  16. J. Fernández Sanromán
  17. Gabriel Forteza González
  18. L. Gallego López
  19. J. Garatea Crelgo
  20. José R. García Vega
  21. José Luis Gil-Díez Usandizaga
  22. C. González González
  23. J. González Lagunas
  24. Federico Hernández-Alfaro
  25. Josué Hernando Vázquez
  26. Juan Antonio Hueto Madrid
  27. Pedro Infante-Cossío
  28. Luis Manuel Junquera Gutiérrez
  29. Eduardo Lombardía García
  30. Juan Sebastián López-Arranz Arranz
  31. José Luis López-Cedrún Cembranos
  32. R. Martín Conde
  33. Rafael Martín-Granizo López
  34. J. Mateo Arias
  35. Q. Mejías
  36. Florencio Monje Gil
  37. Néstor Montesdeoca
  38. J.J. Montalvo Moreno
  39. A.J. Morillo Sánchez
  40. Andrés Coca Pelaz
  41. G. Porras
  42. A. Rezola
  43. A. Rituerto
  44. Oliver Rodríguez-Recio
  45. Cristian Rodríguez Recio
  46. Angel Rollón Mayordomo
  47. José Ignacio Salmerón Escobar
  48. I. Sánchez
  49. Alberto Serrat Soto
  50. Alberto Verrier Hernández
  51. Show all authors +
Revista española de cirugía oral y maxilofacial: Publicación Oficial de la Sociedad Española de Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial

ISSN: 1130-0558 2173-9161

Year of publication: 2010

Volume: 32

Issue: 2

Pages: 41-63

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1016/S1130-0558(10)70017-4 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Revista española de cirugía oral y maxilofacial: Publicación Oficial de la Sociedad Española de Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial


Objective: The objectives of the first Spanish Consensus Conference on Sinus Bone Graft were trying to reach agreements points on the major controversies of this technique, and translate them in a summary document. Material and method: During the 17th and 18th of October of 2008 took place in Oviedo (Spain) the Conference, sponsored by the Spanish Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. There, 50 national and international speakers reviewed in 6 workshops the major controversies of sinus bone grafts. Following the conferences, the moderators proposed the main conclusions of each workshop and opened a round of discussion where all attendees participated. Results: This document and its conclusions emanate from the presentations made by the speakers and the discussions and agreements of each workshop. Both have been approved after several corrections by all authors before being submitted for publication. They have also obtained the official scientific recognition of the Spanish Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and should serve as a basis for future scientific studies and meetings. Conclusions: The main objective when we perform a sinus bone graft is vital bone formation in the maxillary sinus, to achieve long-term survival of the implants after prosthetic loading. To do this, the technique and sequence of treatment should aim to achieve predictable and stable results over time, although this involves a longer waiting time. The initial implant stability is the key factor for osseointegration and should be the main criterion to indicate simultaneous or delayed implants in the maxillary sinus.