Palabras de Horacio a Grosfo ("Carm. II 16) o cómo encontrar la calma

  1. Cristóbal López, Vicente

ISSN: 1889-1128

Year of publication: 2011

Issue Title: "Más allá de los signos": Homenaje a Jaime Siles

Issue: 4

Pages: 137-144

Type: Article

More publications in: Liburna


This article gives a commentary on Horace‘s Ode II 16, a poem that abounds in messages that were dear to the poet who composed it: riches and power rob us of the calmness we need to live well; we should set our goals in life in accord-ance with the knowledge that life is fleeting and realize that complete happiness doesn‘t exist. The essay also provides a translation of the ode into Spanish, written in heptasyllabic and hendecasyllabic six–line stanzas.