Ambrosio Montesino y el "Exercicio de la continua predicación"poesía, mecenazgo y sermón en su "Cancionero" (Toledo, 1508)

  1. Bustos Táuler, Álvaro
Revista de Poética Medieval

ISSN: 1137-8905

Year of publication: 2010

Issue Title: Hacia una poética del sermón

Issue: 24

Pages: 93-126

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista de Poética Medieval


This work focuses on the figure of the franciscan Ambrosio Montesino, preacher of the Catholic Kings, and on his masterpiece, the Cancionero of 1508, published at Toledo under the patronage of the Cardinal Cisneros. The rubrics and the texts reveal that the preacher environment included, as part of his audience, not only sorne of the most important noble women of his time, but also the Catholic Kings themselves, the two great Castilian cardinals, some religious communities from Toledo and the religious of his own order. The spiritual message of the poetic works, linked with the reformism of Cardinal Cisneros, gives a glimpse of some features of the friar's sermons.