Foreign direct investment in bolivian hydrocarbons sectorComparison between regulatory frameworks (1996-2009)

  1. Simarro R.M.
  2. Antolín M.J.P.
  3. Cendrero J.M.R.
Revista de economía mundial

ISSN: 1576-0162

Datum der Publikation: 2012

Nummer: 30

Seiten: 157-184

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Revista de economía mundial


This paper lies within the discussion on which regulatory framework would be the best to guarantee a real positive contribution from the foreign direct investment (FDI). A comparison between the effects of the different regulatory frameworks applied in Bolivian hydrocarbons sector is presented. With this aim, after presenting the evolution of the regulatory framework during capitalization (1996-2005) and nationalization (2006-2009) periods, six indicators are analysed: FDI, exploration and production investment, production itself, exports, reserves, and tax revenues. The outcomes achieved question the validity of arguments in favour of a lower fiscal pressure as an incentive to raise investment and the fiscal collection itself. Moreover the work poses about some of the limitations and challenges that the present framework has to face with.

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