Relecturas del Antiguo Testamento en los apócrifos judíos

  1. Vegas Montaner, Luis
Estudios bíblicos

ISSN: 0014-1437

Year of publication: 2012

Volume: 70

Notebook: 2

Pages: 185-216

Type: Article

More publications in: Estudios bíblicos

Bibliographic References

  • 1 G. F. Moore, Judaism in the First Centuries of the Christian Era I-III (Cambridge, Ma 1927).
  • 2 G. Vermes, Scripture and Tradition in Judaism. Haggadic Studies (Leiden 21973; 1 1961).
  • 4 Cf. A. Díez Macho, “the recently discovered palestinian targum”, en: Congress Volume, Oxford 1959 (Vtsup 7; Leiden 1960).
  • 5 S. Rappaport, Agada und Exegese bei Flavius Josephus (Frankfurt am Main 1930) XX-XXII.
  • 6 Cf. A. Robert, “Littéraires (genres)”: Supplément au Dictionnaire de la Bible 5 (1957).
  • 7 G. Kisch, Pseudo-Philo’s Liber Antiquitatum Biblicarum (Notre Dame, Indiana 1949).
  • 8 J. Trebolle, Biblia judía y Biblia cristiana (Madrid 3 1998).
  • 9 R. BLoch, “Midrash”: Supplément au Dictionnaire de la Bible 5 (1957) 1263-1280; “note méthodologique pour l’étude de la littérature rabbinique”: RScR 43 (1955).
  • 10 G. H. Hartman – S. Budick (eds.), Midrash and Literature (New Haven – London 1986);
  • 12 M. Pérez Fernández , “Literatura rabínica IV. Targum” en: G. Aranda Pérez et alii, Literatura judía inter-testamentaria (Estella 2 2000).
  • 14 J. H. Charlesworth, “in the Crucible: the pseudepigrapha as biblical interpretation”, en: J. H. Charlesworth – C. A. Evans (eds.), The Pseudepigrapha and Early Biblical Interpretation (Jspsup 14; Sheffield 1993).
  • 15 E.Schürer, The History of the Jewish People in the Age of Jesus Christ (175 BC—AD 135) (3 vols.; rev. G. Vermes – F. Millar; Edinburgh 1973-87; 1 1886-1890).
  • 17 Cf. por ejemplo L. Rost, Judaism outside the Hebrew Canon (Nashville 1976).
  • 19 Cf. S. Zeitlin, “Jewish apocryphal Literature”, en: id ., Studies in the Early History of Judaism ii (New York 1974).
  • 20 Charlesworth, “in the Crucible”, 40-41.
  • 21 D. S. Russell, The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha: Patriarchs and Prophets in Early Judaism (Philadelphia 1987) XI.
  • 22 Charlesworth, “in the Crucible”, 29.
  • 23 G. W. E. Nickelsburg , Jewish Literature between the Bible and the Mishnah (Minneapolis 2 2005).
  • 24 J. Trebolle Barrera, La Biblia judía y la Biblia Cristiana (Madrid 3 1998);
  • F. García Martínez, Textos de Qumrán (Madrid 1993).
  • 25 Charlesworth, “in the Crucible”, 29-40, cf. C. A. Evans, Non-Canonical Writings and New Testament Interpretation (Peabody, Ma 1992) 46.
  • 28 E. Schilleebeeckx, Jesus: An Experiment in Christology (New York 1974).
  • 30 Vermes, Scripture and Tradition, 96-126.
  • 32 García Martínez, Textos de Qumrán, 282-283
  • 34 F. Cantera – M. Iglesias, Sagrada Biblia (Madrid 1975).
  • 36 F. C orriente – a. p iñero, “Libro 1 de henoc (etiópico y griego)”, en: a. d íez MaCho (ed.), Apócrifos del Antiguo Testamento IV (Madrid 1984).
  • 37 F. García Martínez, “apocalypticism at Qumran”, en: J. J. Collins (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Apocalypticism i. The Origins of Apocalypticism in Judaism and Christianity (New York 1998).
  • 37 F. García Martínez, “apocalypticism at Qumran”, en: J. J. Collins (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Apocalypticism i. The Origins of Apocalypticism in Judaism and Christianity (New York 1998).
  • 40 Cf. P. Sacchi, Jewish Apocalyptic and its History (Sheffield 1997).
  • 41 Cf. una síntesis en F. García Martínez, “4Qsecond Ezekiel y las tradiciones apocalípticas”, en: J. Carreira das Neves et alii (eds.), III Simposio Bíblico Español (I Luso-Espanhol) (Valencia – Lisboa 1991).
  • 42 F. García Martínez, “traditions communes dans le iVeme esdras et dans les Mss de Qumrân”, en: E. Puech – id . (eds.), Mémorial Jean Starcky (Paris 1991).
  • 45 Cf. Ph. R. Davies, “and enoch was not, For Genesis took him”, en: Ch. H Empel – J. M. Lieu (eds.), Biblical Traditions in Transmission. Essays in Honour of Michael A. Knibb (Leiden – Boston 2006).
  • 46 Cf., por ejemplo, G. W. E. Nickelsburg, 1 Enoch 1: A Commentary on the Book of 1 Enoch, Chapters 1–36; 81–108 (Hermeneia; Minneapolis 2001) 166;
  • J. J. Collins, The Apocalyptic Imagination: An Introduction to the Jewish Matrix of Christianity (Cambridge 2 1998);
  • M. Delcor, “Le mythe de la chute des anges et de l’origine des géants comme explication du mal dans le monde dans l’apocalyptique juive: histoire des traditions”: RHR 190 (1976).
  • 47 Cf. Davies, “and enoch was not”, 100-101.
  • 52 G. Boccacci, Beyond the Essene Hypothesis. The Parting of the Ways between Qumran and Enochic Judaism (Grand Rapids 1998)
  • 54 E. Nicholson, The Pentateuch in the Twentieth Century. The Legacy of Julius Wellhausen (Oxford 1998).
  • 55 J. Blenkinsopp, The Pentateuch. An Introduction to the First Five Books of the Bible (New York 1992).
  • 56 L. Vegas Montaner, Génesis Rabbah I (Gn 1-11) (Estella 1994).
  • 57 Cf. F. García Martínez, “Caín, su padre y el origen del mal”, en V. Collado Bertomeu (ed.), Palabra, Prodigio, Poesía. In Memoriam P. Luis Alonso Schökel (Analecta Biblica 151; Roma 2003).
  • 58 M. Pérez Fernández, Los capítulos de Rabbí Eliezer (Valencia 1984).
  • 63 D. Muñoz León (ed.), Salvación en la Palabra. Targum - Derash - Berith. En memoria del profesor Alejandro Díez Macho (Madrid 1986).