Tectónica extensional en el Sistema CentralLa Zona de Cizalla Dúctil de Santa María de la Alameda (Madrid)

  1. Capote del Villar, Ramón
  2. Martín González, Fidel
  3. Tsige Beyene, Meaza

ISSN: 0213-683X

Ano de publicación: 2000

Número: 28

Páxinas: 27-30

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Geogaceta


The Santa Maria de Alameda (Madrid) Ductile Shear Zone is a complex mylonitic belt trending east -West and dipping 30°-60° southward. The hanging wall block sinks towards the South-Southeast. Its kinematics is in relation to an extensional tectonic regime with North-south stretching direction. This large structure belongs to the early stages of the Malagon tectonic period, where important faulting and dike emplacement were produced. The shearing process was developed in retrograde metamorphic conditions in a wide range of temperature, which goes from 400° C to 150° C. The age of this deformation is constrained by the variscan regional metamorphic peak and the intrusion of late variscan granitoids (Las Navas del Marques adamellites), being therefore, between early Namurian and Stephanian