The Quaternary Active Faults Database of Iberia (QAFI v.2.0)

  1. J. García-Mayordomo
  2. J.M. Insua-Arévalo
  3. J.J. Martínez-Díaz
  4. A. Jiménez-Díaz
  5. R. Martín-Banda
  6. S. Martín-Alfageme
  7. J.A. Álvarez-Gómez
  8. M. Rodríguez-Peces
  9. R. Pérez-López
  10. M.A. Rodríguez-Pascua
  11. E. Masana
  12. H. Perea
  13. F. Martín-González
  14. J. Giner-Robles
  15. E.S. Nemser
  16. J. Cabral
Journal of iberian geology: an international publication of earth sciences

ISSN: 1886-7995 1698-6180

Year of publication: 2012

Issue Title: Active Faults in Iberia

Volume: 38

Issue: 1

Pages: 285-302

Type: Article

DOI: 10.5209/REV_JIGE.2012.V38.N1.39219 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Journal of iberian geology: an international publication of earth sciences


The Quaternary Active Faults Database of Iberia (QAFI) is an initiative lead by the Institute of Geology and Mines of Spain (IGME) for building a public repository of scientific data regarding faults having documented activity during the last 2.59 Ma (Quaternary). QAFI also addresses a need to transfer geologic knowledge to practitioners of seismic hazard and risk in Iberia by identifying and characterizing seismogenic fault-sources. QAFI is populated by the information freely provided by more than 40 Earth science researchers, storing to date a total of 262 records. In this article we describe the development and evolution of the database, as well as its internal architecture. Additionally, a first global analysis of the data is provided with a special focus on length and slip-rate fault parameters. Finally, the database completeness and the internal consistency of the data are discussed. Even though QAFI v.2.0 is the most current resource for calculating fault-related seismic hazard in Iberia, the database is still incomplete and requires further review.