Gramaticalización como creación de lengua a partir del habla. Relativos e indefinidos compuestos en los "Fueros de Aragón" y en el "Fuero de Teruel

  1. Girón Alconchel, José Luis
Archivo de filología aragonesa

ISSN: 0210-5624 2603-7688

Year of publication: 2012

Volume: 68

Pages: 15-38

Type: Article

More publications in: Archivo de filología aragonesa


In this article, we purport to analyse in the Fuero (Code of Law) of Teruel (FT) and in the Fueros of Aragon (FFA), in comparison with the Leonese Fueros and other Castilian texts of that same period of time, the grammaticalization of the relative compound structures el que and el cual, as well as that of the indefinite compounds cualquier(e) and cualquiera. The relative compound el que, exclusive of Spanish out of all the Romance languages, is documented by the Aragonese fueros in the constructions <noun + el que, la que> and <noun + preposition + el que, la que>, but not in the construction <clause + lo que>, that has existed in Castilian since the very first texts, nor in the later construction <clause + preposition + lo que>. It may be one of the cases of Castilian penetration into Aragonese prior to the 15th century. Conversely, the relative compound el cual was a Romance creation and may have been developed autochthonously in Aragonese, as proved by the fact that it was far more widespread in the Aragonese of the fueros of the 13th century than in the Leonese fueros and in the Castilian learned poetry and chronistic prose texts of the same period of time. The indefinite compounds cualquier and cualquiera have a similar behaviour in Aragonese and Castilian texts. We have been able to clarify one point that was not at all clear in previous studies, more specifically that cualquier is not the apocopate form of cualquiera, but rather of cualquiere, and that, therefore, the creation of cualquiere > cualquier occurs in a different grammaticalization channel to that of cualquiera, regardless of the fact that, from a synchronic viewpoint, cualquier and cualquiera are conceived as two allomorphs in complementary distribution. The Aragonese fueros are distinguished from the Leonese fueros due to the absence of cualquisier and cualquisiera, precisely the indefinite compounds that were finally lost in Castilian.