Lucha de paradigmasleyes, ciencia y activismo en el mundo

  1. Alonso Puelles, Andoni
  2. Echeverría Ezponda, Javier
Argumentos de razón técnica: Revista española de ciencia, tecnología y sociedad, y filosofía de la tecnología

ISSN: 1139-3327

Year of publication: 2014

Issue: 17

Pages: 21-38

Type: Article

More publications in: Argumentos de razón técnica: Revista española de ciencia, tecnología y sociedad, y filosofía de la tecnología


This paper examines how scientific knowledge is affected in the 21th century, specially in relation to law and politics. The paper considers therefore new agents in that techno-scientific realm such as indexed journals, bibliometric analysis and proposes that open science movement is a reaction against a closed environment because of its counterproductivity. There are well known scientific institutions among scientists going open but it is clear the fight between closed and open science. Future is difficult to say but it is clear that a feedback between private and public is essential for scientific advancement. Turbo capitalism in science implies a lack of democracy for citizens.

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