BIG-Turismouna herramienta para la enseñanza de la geografía en el grado de turismo

  1. Mínguez García, María del Carmen
  2. Troitiño Torralba, Libertad
  3. Calle Vaquero, Manuel de la
  4. García Hernández, María
RED: revista de educación a distancia

ISSN: 1578-7680

Year of publication: 2014

Issue Title: Buenas prácticas de innovación educativa

Issue: 44

Type: Article

More publications in: RED: revista de educación a distancia


In the context of the technological and informational revolution, as a result of the economic and social globalization, tourism has been one of the areas that has quickly incorporated technological improvements in order to adapt to the territory. It is important to have an understanding of the realities associated with the creation of the tourist space and their transformation processes. Therefore, the work of the geographer is key in the education and the technical and professional areas. The commitment to the professionalism and quality of the Spanish tourism sector was recognized with the approval of the University Degree in Tourism. The program reflects the importance of the knowledge of the numerous subjects. This new degree has shown the need for specific teaching resources. Moreover, that is why the BIG- tourism project was presented, an interactive application based on the creation of an image bank and enriched with supplementary materials. Its goal is to become a source of reference when studying topics related with the Geography of Tourism. The generation of materials which are available online, through a ArcGIS online platform (WebGIS) and a Webpage, allows for an active collaboration between teachers and students, encouraging the search for information, the diversification of activities and the development of skills and abilities.

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