Tres problemas y tres soluciones para la Universidad española del siglo XXI

  1. Bandrés Moya, Fernando 1
  1. 1 University of Virginia

    University of Virginia

    Charlottesville, Estados Unidos


CIAN. Revista de historia de las universidades

ISSN: 1139-6628 1988-8503

Year of publication: 2015

Volume: 18

Issue: 1

Pages: 55-78

Type: Article

More publications in: CIAN. Revista de historia de las universidades


The University is suffering a crisis; this is a repeated phrase. If we consider certain meanings of the term in its medical sense, the university would constitute: “a sudden change in the course of a disease, either to improve or to worsen the patient’s health”. Another meaning could be: “a significant mutation in the development of any other physical, historical or spiritual process”. On this basis, we can then assure that the university specializes in the condition of these crises; its history confirms it, as well as its potential to overcome these crises. It is the moment to regain the ability to think, in this case, to rethink the university and to diagnose its situation and conditions. For this reason, it is necessary to identify properly the events that are happening and that are surrounding the university at present. It is compulsory to identify correctly our time, to know clearly and better the tasks, the insight and the values that the university of the XXIst century must risk, so that, as the university functions in different ways, it maintains always the “universitas”, one, unity, criterion, as a “whole”, as a body facing the crisis; that is, all of it is ill and all of it gets cured. In this way, the university can recuperate its origin and sense, as we are a community, association, with a common objective, which is included in the term university, along with universe and universal. It is necessary to recuperate, acknowledge and update the sense and values of the university in order to conjugate these verbs, in the framework of the definition given to the first universities in history, back in the middle age, ie, associations of teachers and students, “Universitas Magistrorum and Scholarium”, with the necessary perspective and the horizon of this century. Through the identification and approach to three problems and three possible solutions or alternatives, we want to meditate about today’s university which looks suspiciously at the time that is about to come. The new sense of the term university is a challenge and a necessity at this historical time, if we want to enter cautiously in the new knowledge society

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